
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What attracted people to Jeremy Lin's Christianity? Why did he credit Jesus Christ so much in his life?

Another re-post from discussion thread.
No cartoon yet :)


You are 100% correct in stating "JLin's faith in Christianity and the way JLin acted upon his beliefs are what made the difference ". All Christians and non-Christians can witness how JLin's faith actually made a difference in serving other people's needs and not for his own fame and success. And that's what attracted many people to him and it certainly reminds people that he tries to do the same thing Jesus Christ did over 2000 years ago to minister to the poor and needy. Many Christian athletes pray or point to the sky to give credit to God on the field/court but they don't go above and beyond to do the ministry to care for others as an extension of their personal faith.

But does this prove or disprove the existence of God or Jesus Christ's spirit in Jeremy's life? Well, a big yes for Jeremy and a big maybe for other people. In his testimony, Jeremy already listed 13 miracles that had to happen for Linsanity so he clearly has put some serious thought to look back and personally feel the hands of God throughout the Linsanity run. Other people might credit Linsanity to karma for doing good things in his life but one thing for sure people cannot discredit how Jeremy felt the presence of God guiding the Linsanity phenomenon. So other people watching from the outside can only say maybe God orchestrated it with Jeremy's cooperation (he's got a free will after all) or it's just a coincidence for those 13 'miracles' to happen one after another.

Fortunately, we all get to watch what happens next in Houston. Personally, I think God is not done yet with his big plan for Jeremy. It may or may not translate to an NBA championship one day but that's not what's important for God and Jeremy according to his testimony.

"The thing that I learned through Linsanity is that there's nothing in this world that can offer that will provide me with true joy, fulfillment and satisfaction. There is only thing that can truly and eternally satisfy you … that's Jesus Christ"

You've got to understand where he's coming from to want to tell other people about what Jesus has done for him. When he was down and depressed not playing in GS, traded away from Houston and about to get fired from NY, it was God's words and Jesus' words through his prayers that got him through a tough time. He simply wants to share with other people what God has done for him.

Before I became Christian, it was hard for me to understand what it actually feels like by having personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It sounds weird and unnatural to have 'relationship' with someone who lived 2000 years ago. But later on, things just happened through prayers and Bible words became alive that made me feel that maybe Jesus is still alive in spirit and God is real. What also strengthened me in my faith is hearing how other Christians like Jeremy also shared the same joy, peace to live through all the hardship of living in the world.

Again, it is not my intention to 'convert' others to become Christians. Do I want others to feel the peace and joy that Jeremy also talked about? You bet. But if others are not open to it, that's okay. Christians are only supposed to share the good news, not to force it to others as many have misunderstood.

Faith can definitely be a contentious issue. It's always important to focus on the common ground and less of the differences among people of different faith or opinions. In this case, as JLin fans we all want him to succeed in Houston whether he can be a good role model for kids, Asian-American, Christians, non-Christians, people who are discriminated , etc. I truly enjoy and appreciate the thoughtful posts that people post here, definitely a fresh breath of air compared to other newsgroups. 

Go JLin!


  1. So true. I was a christian hater and too many bad words came out from my mouth.

    But i was just like the house built on water and not on solid rock: when storms arrive destroy everything. So i've been down and got on my knees to the Virgin Mary, Jesus' mother, ask her if she could help me. From that moment on i felt her next to me so many times in so many some would say coincendeces. After my conversion i had one of the best moment in my life and i still feel Jesus in me and i try to recognize him in other people.

    All i can ask now is walk in the right way, His way, and help me to handle all things will happen in life, good or bad.

    Just a question : have you ever heard about Medjugorie lourdes or fatima where Our Lady talked and still talks to some kind of people? What do you think about?

  2. Hi Spotless,

    Glad to hear that you felt the true peace that only Jesus can give us in this world.
    I just spoke to a young teenager who just accepted Jesus as his savior and he also said that for the first time in his life, he feels at peace in his heart and does not feel the anger and the desire to look for things that can't be satisfied.

    I actually haven't heard about Medjugorie lourdes before and I found an interesting article discussing about dissenting Catholic factions of who some believe and some don't.

    My first thought would be to go back to the Bible to test whether things are truly from God and pray to God to get wisdom for understanding. See if it brings the good things that are fruits of the Holy Spirit. If it brings dissension, conflicts, fights, tragedy and all other bad things, my antenna would go up a little.

    But you're already doing the right thing to walk in His way and ask for His guidance to handle all things :)
    May God bless you with wisdom and understanding :)

    "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." James 1:5
